
Displaying results 11 - 14 of 14 in total for 'SIBO'

Entry: Spirulina and Chlorella

A few years back I started taking spirulina and chlorella. I read stories about it restoring people to perfect health. Well, that didn't happen but I think it helps with overall health. I take Mercola Spiru-Blue (3 tabs a day) and Mercola Fermented Chlorella (5-6 tablets a day). I've taken Ear...
  December 10, 2019 Helpful: 0 Unhelpful: 0 Rating: 4/5 User: rilian Keywords: green algae, IBS, SIBO

Entry: Milk Kefir - Probiotics, Yeast

Milk kefir consists of live bacteria and yeasts. The bacteria/yeast vary depending on the batch from which it came. I tried milk kefir from https://www.culturedfoodlife.com. It was very easy to make and the grains multiplied like crazy (I used organic, non-homogenized whole milk from Straus). ...
  November 4, 2019 Helpful: 0 Unhelpful: 0 Rating: 3/5 User: rilian Keywords: SIBO, Probiotics, IBS-D, Milk Intolerance

Entry: Probiotic Drinks - Kombucha, Water Kefir

Kombucha and water kefir contain live probiotics from fermentation. I drink a minimum of 16 oz. a day, sometimes 32 oz./day if I hit a sale (16 oz. bottles are ~$3 USD at the supermarket). I notice a decline in health when I stop drinking these beverages so I know they have a positive effect. ...
  November 5, 2019 Helpful: 0 Unhelpful: 0 Rating: 5/5 User: rilian Keywords: Probiotics, Kombucha, Water Kefir, IBS, SIBO

Entry: Moringa Tea for Dehydration and Acid Reflux

I’ve had chronic dehydration or dry mouth for as long as I've had SIBO. I always feel thirsty. The cause is a mystery. I’ve been tested for diabetes multiple times (negative). I was never diagnosed with dry mouth. After recently getting food poisoning, I started having acid reflux too.  ...
  February 26, 2020 Helpful: 2 Unhelpful: 0 Rating: None User: rilian Keywords: Acid Refux, Dehydration, Dry Mouth, SIBO, IBS