  November 5, 2019 Rating:   Helpful:  0 Unhelpful:  0

A restricted diet based on observation controls my SIBO symptoms the most. There are a lot of special diets out there but I've found that a safe food for one person can be a catastrophe for another. This diet has helped me the most:

- Minimize wheat. Small amounts can be okay if eaten periodically (not daily).

- Minimize dairy. Small amounts can be fine periodically (not daily). Butter is okay daily.

- Minimize sugar. Small amounts are okay periodically.

- Cook vegetables to remove parasites. Safe vegetables are broccoli, bok choy, cabbage, tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots, peas, potatoes. Raw green/purple cabbage, carrots and tomatoes are fine for salads. Pickled vegetables are easiest to digest (Korean pickled vegetables rock).

- White rice is the easiest grain to digest. Eat brown/black/wild rice in moderation -- they have a lot of fiber which can cause problems. 

- Organic olive oil, organic sesame oil, organic coconut oil and organic apple cider vinegar (with the mother) are safe. Salt, pepper, herbs, ginger, horseradish are all safe. Keep garlic and onion in the diet. They are antibacterial and antifungal. Removing these results in intense abdominal pain (tried it with the FODMAP diet).

- Vary the diet from day to day. Food intolerances (and boredom) can develop if a food is eaten too much.

- Break from the diet weekly. This makes it easier to stay on a restricted diet on the days that count, i.e., work/school days.

- No seafood. In the last 7 years, eating fish triggers a new parasite/bacteria infection.

- Never drink from water coolers. They are breeding grounds for bacteria (especially at work on Mondays for some reason).

Updated:  December 31, 2019


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