
Report Abuse

If you see contributions or comments that violate our Content Policy or Terms and Conditions of Use, please let us know. We really appreciate your help!

How To — To report abuse, click on the ( Report Abuse ) button below an entry, blog, resource or comment — it will take you to the Report Abuse form. A moderator will review your submission in a timely manner and take action.

Block a User

You have the right to block any user from commenting on your contributions. When you block a user, existing comments are removed and the user can no longer comment on your entries, blogs and resources. It may take a few hours for the user's comments to disappear. The user's comments will be deleted from our system anywhere from hours to a day, so if you accidentally blocked the wrong user, you can undo if done within this time period.

Moderators may, on occasion, block users on your behalf if they find comments in violation of our Content Policy or Terms and Conditions of Use.

How To

To block a user, the easiest way is to click the ( Block ) button below a comment. Or go to your Profile page and click on the Blocks link. Enter a username (username can be found at the top of a user's page, next to the avatar image). (Optional) Enter a reason why you are blocking a user — this reason is visible to only you and moderators.